Are EPR schemes effective in reducing e-waste generation?
In a time of rapid technological advancements and the widespread use of electronic devices in our daily lives, the dark side of this progress is the growing challenge of electronic waste (e-waste). Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) schemes offer hope in addressing these issues by placing the responsibility for collecting and properly disposing of electronic products […]
Effective Ways To Educate The Public About the Dangers Of Improper E-waste Disposal
The rapid advancement of technology has made electronic waste (e-waste) a major environmental issue. Improper disposal of electronic gadgets can harm the planet by releasing hazardous materials into the soil and water and using a lot of energy to extract valuable resources. The increasing demand for new electronic equipment has led to a significant increase […]
Rise Of E-commerce And Its Impact on E-waste Generation
In the last few decades, the retail industry has undergone a revolutionary transformation due to the rapid growth of e-commerce. The convenience, accessibility, and diverse product offerings have propelled online shopping to new heights. However, as the e-commerce industry thrives, a less visible but equally significant consequence has emerged – the surge in electronic waste […]